In case you are wondering, the Apple Watch is actually affecting the sales of watches. According to my Source, retailers sold about $375 million in watches during the month, which is about 11 percent less than in June 2014. That is a 14 percent decline in unit sales, the largest since 2008.
Apple hasn’t really stated how many watches that the company has sold since their initial release. The apparent reported revenue for the Apple Watch has been about $950 million in the last three months.
This information leads to the belief that about 1.9 million Apple Watches have been sold, with the average selling price of $499. NPD also estimates that the traditional watch industry sold 927,500 traditional timepieces in June in the United States.
It was estimated that when the Apple Watch was put out there, the market for watches that cost less than $1,000 would be more at risk.
Those that are willing to spend more than that probably want the quality of something very fancy, but those within the $50 and $999 range might spring for the smartwatch/fitness band type. The biggest sales decline was from the watches that are $100 to $149.99, which shows that people are willing to pay more for the Apple Watch.’
It is pretty clear that the Apple Watch appears to be a modest hit for the company, and is actually creating a hit. However, is this what Apple wants?