Apple is banking a lot on the Apple Watch, and a recent announcement from Tim Cook about the company’s earnings, he said that “development for Apple Watch is right on schedule” and should be out in April.
This is the first time we have seen any specifics about the release date, as the unveiling in September with the iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, and Apple Pay revealed only a release date of “early 2015”. Now, we actually have a month of release.
Cook also said that his expectations are “very high” on the Apple Watch, and is “using it every day and love it and can’t live without it”. He also said that the number of developers making applications for the Apple Watch were “impressive”. That leaked Companion app might give us some idea of what it will do.
It is clear that Apple wants to take the smartwatch in the same direction that they took the tablet. That is, taking a market that was pretty weak and making it applicable and somewhat affordable to the typical consumer.
Speaking of affordable, I am not certain if we have even posted the projected price of this samrtwatch. I am told that it will be offered in two sizes, three collections, and five different bands for about $349.