When Will Apple Watch Be Released?

The big question at the moment: When is the Apple Watch is coming out?

After all, when the Apple Watch was announced, the emphasis was on the iPhone 6 that had a definite release date, but the Apple Watch intends to be out “sometime in 2015” and it will be “worth the wait”.

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In order for the Apple Watch to make it to the hands of consumers, a lot of mass production needs to happen. There were rumors last October that pegged January as a time of production, but then there was a report from Rosenblatt Securities saying that there were various issues that could cause the Apple Watch being available in limited numbers.

Apparently that there have been a number of breakthroughs with the watch’s display and processor, which means that the mass production is set back on track with the release date of…whenever. Seriously, Apple really doesn’t want to even try to give away that release date.

There has been a leaked video message from Angela Ahrendts, Apple’s senior vice president of retail and online stores, has stated that the watch will debut in the Spring. The transcript said: “We’re going into the holidays, we’ll go into Chinese New Year, and then we’ve got a new watch launch coming in the spring.”

Okay, so I guess we are looking at a Spring release date. This actually makes a lot of sense, but we will see.

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